Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Thursday, 30 May 2013

First scene for Part 2

Since her arrival on Eldara, Bailey has been living deep inside a giant rock. Think of a rounder taller Uluru, but riddled with tunnels (if you are not an Aussie, you may have to Google that). Bailey is about to find out what is up on top, if Sapphire and Amaranth can stop arguing long enough to get here there.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

What rewards would you like?

What incentives would attract you to putting some money in to our Crowd Funding?

On the game side, the more money we get, the more we can commission. We can do things like we did in Part 1 where Kal goes down on Bailey. You don't get the same scene each time, you get one of 3 scenes.

So, we could have alternate scenes for the same act (eg having sex in the royal gardens. [You will be surprised how often that happens. :) ] ).

We could have whole alternate sequences. As your partners start to like you more, they get more adventurous.

On the personal rewards side, would people like to see. The names of a lot of the characters are themed, but there are minor NPCs people could have naming rights for, but then what happens when someone chooses something ghastly.

The character designs we are using  we have to purchase and their hair also separately. There are a number of vendors who sell some great ones.

I am considering this one at the moment:

Pretty much anything from here though:

Is being able to choose what characters look like something that you would like?

I would love to hear suggestions for other enticements or rewards. Please post any suggestions or email me. Oncardam at

Friday, 24 May 2013

All in one download

Add free single part download link now available. Check on the on the right hand side of this page. :)

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Raising Funds for Part 2

With Part 1 now mostly done, we are casting our eyes towards part 2. The plot is set and we are raring to go, but with Malo being ultra-busy right now, we are looking to outsource some of the artwork on commission.

If you have enjoyed our little game so far, please consider sponsoring us to get part 2 done. There are also some little extra goodies available for sponsors.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Beta 3 is out for general consumption

Beta 3 has been out for 2 days now in closed release with very few comments, so I think it is time for an open release. This is the same version that is up on FP, so if you already have that one, don't download again.

Part 1:
Part 2:

You will need 7zip or similar to extract the 7z archive.

The archive password is FP_Beta_1

Not that on Windows, you only need to right click on the 001 file and use 7zip to extract, it will find and use the 002 file automatically.

The game does not need to be installed, when you extract the inner zip, you will find  Windows, Mac, and Linux executables. Use the relevant one for your platform.

I hope you enjoy the game. If you are not familiar with the Japanese card game of Koi Koi (played with a Hana Fuda deck), you may find the card game tricky at first. There are a number of general Koi Koi card game tutorials on the net.

Just remember Ribbons -> Knights; Animals -> Court and you should be able to work the rest out. The yakus (scoring combinations) can be displayed using the 'h' key.

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Beta 3 Is Almost Ready

This weekend will see the release of Beta 3 of Part 1. The artwork is finally finished and I hope most of the bugs have been eliminated.

There have been quite a few requests for an easy mode as some people find the card game tedious while others love it.

I am considering an auto-play mode like the lock pick game in Oblivion. Of course that would be quite a lot more difficult in a card game. Still, once beta 3 is out there will be a bit of time to work on that before starting on Part 2.