Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Weekly Update

Seasons Greetings to All,

It has been a productive week this week for me. The game is coming into shape. The mechanisms for gaining spells and spell points are now in place, I fixed up some deficiencies with collecting stats, and I am well into the debugging of the main game.

We are still a long way short on images, but those are coming. Meanwhile the game is nearly playable if you don't mind place holder images. The trick now is to get everything balanced correctly. Getting things balanced between too hard and too easy.

The above image is for one of the easier characters. The left hand scale is Seduction skill and the top scale is the her disposition + nymphomania.

As she starts to like you more and you get more skilled, you can see that the numbers increase. The shaded zone takes into account her starting nymphomania. The numbers are the cards dealt into the hand and into the centre.

Anyhow, things are going reasonable well at present and if I make good progress this week, I will get a version out to our testing group to shake down.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Weekly Update

Seasons greetings to all. It has been a week of slow but steady progress although one of our artists went backwards due to a hard drive getting wiped out.

I have been working on the part 2 main navigation screens. The pics below are the characters you can encounter at 6pm in the set locations. (The game day is broken into 8 x 3 hour slots.) That sounds a bit odd I know, but hopefully it will be intuitive when you play the game.

First, the main throne room:

Next is in the Gardens:
Finally is roaming around the palace knocking on doors:

Hopefully by next week, I will have the code working so that things don't just crash when I click on one of those cards. :)

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Weekly Update

Busy, tired, and generally blech. It is that time of year. Christmas is coming and there is so much to do. While I would like to give you all a new release as a Christmas present, realistically it is not going to happen. Early in the new year though, ...

In the game building side of things, there are fun things to do and then there are things that you just have to grind away at until they are done. I am kind of in one of the grind tasks at the moment. Once I get through that though, progress should be quicker.

This is one of the menu screens I am working on. It is not yet finished, but it will essentially be click on card to talk to character (or entice them into doing more than talking ...)

Sunday, 8 December 2013

Weekly Update

Another slow-ish week. It is about 2 weeks to my Christmas hols and that should help things move along a bit more.

Most of my focus this week was on getting the scene below done. It is the background for one of the main selection screens so it has been important to get done. The Black Friday sales are over and we got a bit of stuff. 50% off on some of the resources we need for the game help to stretch the budget.

Everyone has been making progress on their scenes, and I should be starting to get some of those into the game soon.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Weekly Update

It has been a slow week this week. Real life has gotten in the way for a few of us, but we are still moving forward at least.

I am concentrating on coding and support graphics right now and am setting up the main screens for the different areas of the Palace.

If you have tried out the last release, you will have already seen the navigation screen for the player's apartment.

Now I have to do similar screens for visiting court, the gardens, other peoples quarters.

We are still a bit aways from the next release and it may have a lot of placeholder graphics in it, but with some time off over Christmas I hope to have something substantial early in the new year.