Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Weekly Update

Seasons Greetings to All,

It has been a productive week this week for me. The game is coming into shape. The mechanisms for gaining spells and spell points are now in place, I fixed up some deficiencies with collecting stats, and I am well into the debugging of the main game.

We are still a long way short on images, but those are coming. Meanwhile the game is nearly playable if you don't mind place holder images. The trick now is to get everything balanced correctly. Getting things balanced between too hard and too easy.

The above image is for one of the easier characters. The left hand scale is Seduction skill and the top scale is the her disposition + nymphomania.

As she starts to like you more and you get more skilled, you can see that the numbers increase. The shaded zone takes into account her starting nymphomania. The numbers are the cards dealt into the hand and into the centre.

Anyhow, things are going reasonable well at present and if I make good progress this week, I will get a version out to our testing group to shake down.


  1. i haven't used Renpy too much so i don't know how this is implemented in the game, but it looks complicated

    i'm glad about this post so i can make a related question ;)

    during the training phase the PC gains some stats, and i think that it's a bit odd that the skill with both your cock and your pussy increases before becoming a shemale.
    i don't know if this was made on purpose, but maybe there is a way to hide just the text depending on the selected sex prior to the transformation

    just a thought
    cheers and happy holidays

  2. Hi Pedro, the issue is not that it is hard to do, just finding the time to do it. I have been busy with getting new content ready. :)
