Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Saturday, 31 May 2014

3D Art Help Wanted

We are down an artist or two at the moment. BGrisset who did a wonderful job with Cerise is pursuing other things and has left the project as I announced a while ago.

Malo, Elynda, and JClyde are all continuing, but real life is getting in the way at present. Most of the recent artwork has been from me and hence has been action scenes rather than sex scenes.

Consequently, we are looking for someone new to help with the artwork. The 3D artwork is all done is Poser or DAZ Studio. We use mostly purchased content for characters, clothing, sets, and props, but we have built a small amount ourselves or used freebies.

Payment is around $100 per sequence where a sequence has 5 to 10 scenes. In addition, we pay for assets that you require if you do not already own them. Nice to haves are by negotiation.

If you provide additional artwork that we can use in the deluxe version, then you will be entitled to profit share when we put it up for sale.

In short, if you think this is a neat way to while away a few dozen hours in a way that won't cost you anything and may pay for a software upgrade or two, please contact Oncardam at


  1. I, unfortunately, have zero 3D Modelling experience at all. :(

    It's always been too expensive to even get started in it for something I may not end up enjoying.

  2. this guy is really good and currently seems to just produce stuff that people request for free but he uses SFM so probably won't be much help plus think he is fairly hard to get hold of. sorry can't be more help have no clue how to do 3D modelling either
