Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Monday, 11 May 2015

Status Update

I am currently working on the artwork mainly. My current aim is to get the showdown with the High Priestess sequence finished in the next couple of weeks.

Here is an image from one of the bad ends. (If you succeed, no one dies :) )


  1. How is this game supposed to be fun when only the opponent has any decent cards and keeps getting handed more? There is no balanced play whatsoever and the bias is so blatant it makes enjoying it impossible

    1. u have in game an option to reduce the game dificulty

    2. The game is not biased. It is pure luck and sometimes you get losing streaks.

      In the game settings, there is a setting where you can bias the game towards you.

      Basically, whatever card you would have been dealt, it tries to find one that is (1 to 10 steps) better for you.

    3. I've been playing for quite some time I can't say it's unbalanced. Also it becomes easier when you level up and learn spells.


  2. when will we get any updates soon? next week? :D

  3. humm i think the blood red should be a bit more dark/brownish, anyway greatwork

  4. hello there i have a question, cuz im stuck with some chars namely Melliscoria, I have her friendship in 100 already defeated the high priestress, and its new moon which is the best time to try to impregnate Melliscoria, my problem is every time I try to seduce her it ends up me getting fucked instead of the other way around, do i have to get some special high score on the cards? do i have to try and seduce her in someplace in specific? thx

  5. It would be nice whenever we are stuck or cant remember what to do if we could get maybe a hint? I sometimes have this problem where i forget or am not sure?

  6. There are a couple of characters that you need and as a result you can't get them pregnant until much later in the game. Melliscoria is one of them, others you can get pregnant but they stay. Besides, if you get all of them pregnant what are you going to do? :)

  7. humm.. i have all the 3 embassador, jester and tanzy, amaranth and flame, all the blue guards, emerald, jade and verdite pregnant, the non pregnant are: purple chars, melliscoria, taeline, cerise and citrine, i have been stuck in this condition since last year but i dont know what am i supposed to do now O.o

  8. A proper written check list of things to do in what order would be greatly appreciated and probably wouldn't take more then a few minutes to people who know the game well. That flowchart posted way back is indecipherable.

  9. I have been able to get almost everyone pregnant (including the empress, just loaded up on virility boosting stuff and cum volume stuff before final confrontation) , except Cerise and Taliene (also Clavielle who apparently won't have anything to do with me until the final confrontation, and Kallestian). Is there a way to have getting Cerise and Taliene preggers? Cerise always ends up fucking me, and Taliene only seems to want it in the ass.

    1. Congratulations on getting all the way through the game. Cerise and Taeleine will only be able to be impregnated in the post game which is not yet implement. Sorry. :(
