Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Sunday, 26 July 2015

New Release Available - Full Download Only

I have updated the game engine version to Renpy 6.99.4 which is supposed to be much faster. Hopefully this will translate to a smoother faster game.

This is a full download and you need to get it from here:


  1. Excellent, much appreciated.

  2. does anyone have a problem where the game doesn't even launch. I have checked the previous version and it works but this one doesn't.

    1. It works fine for me. Have you tried downloading the file again?

    2. nvm it was my antivirus deleting files...

  3. Amaranth is called Kellestian in the stats screen.
    I also have a question: are the nude cards working? I have enable them and it makes no differences.

  4. What's new? Just the engine?

  5. i don't know if this is a known issue or not. i don't know if it is intended to work this way or not.
    The necklace you get to keep you from getting pregnant? it seems to ALSO prevent you from getting anyone else pregnant.
    No matter what i did, or what items i used (volumness discharge, or the Cunine milk) i couldn't get anyone pregnant.
    Then it told my the last stone on my necklace turned black.
    i had no idea the necklace was preventing it!
    So, just in case that is NOT how it is supposed to work, thought i would mention it.

    1. The lack of pictures makes it hard to tell, but you're not "on top" for those intercourses (so you're the one at risk to get impregnated).

      The necklace works fine in that regard. Note that you're not supposed to impregnate everyone else.

    2. actually, it happened specific to the Jade mission. I was trying to get her pregnant, and it was with her that i used the items, and was told that the final stone had gone black.

    3. Hmm, haven't redone this one since the update. Possibly an issue porting to the new renpy ?

  6. Over a month and nothing new. *sad*

  7. No change this game will be finished sometime in the next millennium if we are lucky. No updates. Not sure how hard it is to type a sentence or two. The domain for the people who paid for the game has gone dead so......

  8. can we get a "we're not dead" update, please?

    1. Ever thought that maybe the people that was making this game may be unable to reply back to us or something? Also I have seen games come back after much longer time on Hiatus

    2. This project had a crowdfunding, in case you forgot. People paid for this, and the author has gone AWOL for months now.

  9. What do I use the potion of strength for?

  10. I'd guess work is draining all the creative juices and thus slowing down process.

    Or waiting for the arts to be done.

  11. So no updates since July? Heh. Looked nice while it lasted

    1. Yup, cross your fingers and check again next month.

  12. Just here to give a poke. Great game. Followed since day one and find it out you seemed to of vanished right at finish line :(

  13. It's a shame to see this project abandoned. It's understandable though as the images require very hard work. Too bad.

  14. Well maybe understandable, but it a crowdfunding, so it is a really shitty way to just quit without any notice.

    But as you say: too bad

  15. he didn't quit. from a [very brief] conversation i had with him, he stated that the project was on hiatus, but not dead. I get the feeling real life exploded in a big way, but that is just speculation.
    I honestly do not know why things crashed, but I expect the creator will return to this.

  16. Have faith! Our lord and master will return, bearing dickgirl images galore!

    1. Sometimes devs just up and disappear. Remember Konashion (aka SuperDeepthroat). Maybe caught. Maybe busy. Maybe dead. Who knows. Its up to the fans to decide if they've been maliciously and deviously abandoned or merely left hanging as collateral damage of unfortunate circumstances. I hope they come back to it though. This is a really fun game to pass the time.

  17. I never understand that reason that people give for suddenly falling off the face of the planet. Sure, life happens, but you can't take 5 minutes to throw up a quick post to let your funders know what's going on? That's kinda shitty.

  18. Sorry guys, but you got scammed, such is life.

  19. It's a shame that there's been no updates. This was such an interesting idea, and the pics that have been implemented so far are nice. Kinda wish they'd have done pics for when the Felane ambassador got her revenge o_O

  20. I remain hopeful that this game will be resurrected someday. Easily one of my favorites.

  21. *checks date*
    Well, RIP.

  22. wonderful ! really good story and nice graphics! I like your game and look forward the next

  23. Really Wish this game was Finished, the story is great the hscenes are nicely done for what we have and the text leaves just enough to our imaginations, also on a side point anyone know how to get the next part of the story going, I've just got both items from the ambassadors and given them to Jester and found out that the ass sex addicted priest is being drugged.

    1. Edit to my last post I think progression is impossible at this point, as I've been running different paths to see if that gets results I believe its to do with Amaranth being named the same as Kallestian on the stats screen

  24. Still waiting for the project to be revitalized

    1. I am sorry, but sadly, I think this has been abandoned.
