Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Monday, 30 September 2013

Weekly Update

Well, it has been another busy week for us, but not with a lot to show right now. I have been working on more scene descriptions and the artists have been getting into their scenes.

With a total of eight of us working on the project now, I am taking on more of the role of project manager now as well as everything else.

We are aiming for a full beta of Part 2 in about April at this point, but there is still a long way to go. There will be some progress releases along the way for anyone that wants to take a look and any feedback will be appreciated. It will take a while to get the game balance right I think. That is, not too hard and not too easy.

The scenes you have seen of the court so far were in the small audience hall. We have just found the perfect model for the main hall. Sadly, it is not quite compatible with the software we are using so we are having to some work to adapt it, but I think the result will be worth it.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Dzazd & Bailey - Malo's New Pics Begin

I have spent a lot of time trying to co-ordinate the new Artist Team.  Finally I got around to updating my own versions of the characters and getting my first new sequence started.  Here is Bailey entering Dzazd's apartment.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Whats happening this week!

I don't like to take up your time with stuff when I don't have a lot to show, but I was asked, so if you do want to know, here is what has been happening this week.

BGrisset1 has been powering through the first sequence. (Do look at his other work on Erotic Art Zone of you get the chance.) He is working on Red Knight #2 mostly at present, one of the first characters that Bailey will "get to know".

Elynda and JClyde6108 (check them out on Erotic Art Zone too) have been working on getting the player character ready for their scenes which, as they are using different 3D software to BGrisset1, Malo, Dawn, and I is, a necessary step.

For those who are interested, Elynda and JClyde6108 are using DAZ Studio while the rest of us are using Poser. The programs are 80% compatible, but we had done a couple of things that had to be done differently in the other.

Malo is tackling the Dark Elven ambassador character first and the first scenes are being done there.

On the writing side of things, a fairly common suggestion has been to make the scenes a little less terse. What can I say, I am your average computer programmer. Writing nice sexy and engaging dialog is not my strong suit.

So, when I asked in the Story section of Futanari Palace if anyone was interested in helping, I was surprised when I got a couple of offers straight away. Not only did I get offers of help, but I got help from people whose stories I have read and enjoyed enormously. What was great was they had both played Part 1 and had really liked it. 

If you have played Corruption of Champions, you have probably already encountered some of dxasmodeus's writing. Dxadmodeus's writings partially inspired the tentacle beast character. I would not have considered putting one in had it not been for dxasmodeus. Fire Fly has a complementary skill set, having covered more of the emotional process of male to futa transformation in their writings as well as other things.

I have spent a lot of this week putting together story notes and creating more so that Fire Fly and dx can get started.

If I can just get a bit ahead of everyone, I can get back to completing the part 2 intro sequence, but I still have a lot more to do with scene descriptions and story notes which if I do now will mean you get the game faster in the long run.

So, while not a lot seems to be happening on the surface right now, we are paddling away like crazy underneath. :D

Sunday, 15 September 2013

MInor bug fix release

I am issuing a new version of 1.3.3 as the last patch gave some people issues. I have tested it on a Mac and it works ok as far as I can tell. I also fixed the instant win bug again.

You can find it here:

You can now find it here:

Apparently Windows does not like the Mac built zip file (in particular winrar and 7zip declared it broken although built in zip on Windows did not complain). I rebuilt the distribution on Windows and re-uploaded. 7zip gave an all clear and it still runs on the Mac.

I am nearly out of the hole I was in getting scene descriptions out for the new artists so I hope to have something new for you soon.

Thanks to everyone who continues to support us and offers great suggestions. We are listening. I am looking to get some of the dialog expanded in Part 1 to add a bit more variety and fill out the background a bit more.

The suggestion on voice acting was not something I had not considered before. I would be interested in what people thought about that in general so please let me know what you think. It is not something we would do right now, but more likely when we are near to getting Part 2 complete if we could get enough volunteers.

Friday, 13 September 2013

A Quick Update

Just letting you know that we are all still alive and working hard. I found that darned last scoring bug and I hope to have the game working on a Macs again soon.

Malo has found some time to get back into things and is throwing themselves into the dark elven ambassador character, Dzazd. That's the Orange #10 in the deck.

The others have started on Red Knight #2, our somewhat demonic looking ambassador the Orange #6 and Kitaxxa, our furry ambassador Orange #7.

I have been kept busy, writing up the scenes so that the talented ones in the team know what they have to create. I am having trouble staying ahead of them at present.

As a sneak peak, here is the new Red Knight #2 card by BGrisset:
If you have taken a look at the recent versions you will have seen that there are some new options on the card game. To help you keep track of whose heart you have won, you will be able to unlock nude versions of the cards. If you find it too confusing or distracting, you will be able to turn it off.

Stay tuned and maybe next time we will give you a sneak peak of one of those.

Monday, 2 September 2013

For anyone that wants to try breaking things!

Release 1.3.2 is here:

It is only partially tested and I have not been able to test it all the way through.

The checkpoint system has been re-written although it should not look to much different. You will notice that it tells you when checkpoints are taking. I have laid the groundwork for more enhancements but they are not there yet.

I have done major work to the scoring system, hopefully making the instant win and doubling scenarios now work properly.

I broke the monthly card handling. :(  [ thanks Castor and 3dtab7 ]
This patch fixes that:

Update 2:
Fixes bug in bed time training and it should now work on Mac and Linux.
Apply patch to 1.3.2:
(will overwrite the previous patch)

There may be yet more bugs as I have not finished my own play through yet although I am nearly there now.