Part 2 Sponsorship

Crowd Funding has now closed at Offbeatr. Thankyou everyone who supported us. It was touch and go for a while, but we made our base target with minutes to spare. :O

Monday, 2 September 2013

For anyone that wants to try breaking things!

Release 1.3.2 is here:

It is only partially tested and I have not been able to test it all the way through.

The checkpoint system has been re-written although it should not look to much different. You will notice that it tells you when checkpoints are taking. I have laid the groundwork for more enhancements but they are not there yet.

I have done major work to the scoring system, hopefully making the instant win and doubling scenarios now work properly.

I broke the monthly card handling. :(  [ thanks Castor and 3dtab7 ]
This patch fixes that:

Update 2:
Fixes bug in bed time training and it should now work on Mac and Linux.
Apply patch to 1.3.2:
(will overwrite the previous patch)

There may be yet more bugs as I have not finished my own play through yet although I am nearly there now.


  1. A slight issue I fund in the first phase of the game: I'm not getting points for having the monthly cards (4x12s). Apart from that it seems good so far.

  2. Same here. No 4x12s recognized, which means no tentacle fun, which means the game doesn't advance passed the initial training, which means we never get off that slab! Looks like you already broke it Oncardam! That's why we can't have nice things! Haha

  3. I patched the monthly card problem. Take a look at the main post above for the URL. There are no images to make the download faster, just extract into the same folder as 1.3.2-all.

    Thanks for find the bug. :)

  4. I encountered a bug that might be unrelated to the one you patched. I'll post screenshots on Hongfire.

    1. Thanks, fixed it. I hope we are near the end of the bugs now. :)

      New patch in the main article above.

  5. This version does not run on linux:

    The traceback follows:

    I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    While executing init code:
    File "game/screens.rpy", line 205, in script
    File "game/screens.rpy", line 233, in python
    File "game/GameState.rpy", line 738, in python
    NameError: global name 'platform' is not defined

    -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

    Full traceback:
    File "/home/user/Download/ROCE-R1.3.2-all/renpy/", line 265, in bootstrap
    File "/home/user/Download/ROCE-R1.3.2-all/renpy/", line 269, in main
    File "/home/user/Download/ROCE-R1.3.2-all/renpy/", line 288, in run
    File "/home/user/Download/ROCE-R1.3.2-all/renpy/", line 718, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
    File "/home/user/Download/ROCE-R1.3.2-all/renpy/", line 1297, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
    File "game/screens.rpy", line 233, in
    checkpoints = ListCheckPoints()
    File "game/GameState.rpy", line 738, in ListCheckPoints
    elif platform.mac_ver()[0]:
    NameError: global name 'platform' is not defined


    1. Yep, missed an import statement and broke Mac and Linux.

      Fixed in the patch above.

  6. I got an error while ending first game with Kallestian.

    I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

    While running game code:
    File "game/TrainingScreen.rpy", line 866, in script
    File "game/TrainingScreen.rpy", line 866, in python
    NameError: name 'score' is not defined

    -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

    Full traceback:
    File "C:\Users\Castor\Desktop\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\renpy\", line 288, in run
    File "C:\Users\Castor\Desktop\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\renpy\", line 718, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
    File "C:\Users\Castor\Desktop\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\renpy\", line 1297, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
    File "game/TrainingScreen.rpy", line 866, in
    $ player.TrainSkills(_return.handScore(), score)
    NameError: name 'score' is not defined

    HanaFudaFuta 1.3.2C

    1. And another one after first sex training (she gave me a blowjob, I lost).

      I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

      While running game code:
      File "game/TrainingScreen.rpy", line 1114, in script
      File "game/TrainingScreen.rpy", line 1114, in python
      AttributeError: 'HandScore' object has no attribute 'Score'

      -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

      Full traceback:
      File "C:\Users\Castor\Desktop\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\renpy\", line 288, in run
      File "C:\Users\Castor\Desktop\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\renpy\", line 718, in execute
      renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
      File "C:\Users\Castor\Desktop\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\ROCE-R1.3.2-all\renpy\", line 1297, in py_exec_bytecode
      exec bytecode in globals, locals
      File "game/TrainingScreen.rpy", line 1114, in
      $ tr_score = ScoreSummary(hs.Score())
      AttributeError: 'HandScore' object has no attribute 'Score'

      HanaFudaFuta 1.3.2C

  7. not really a bug, but possibly unintended - possibly only really plausible with cheats, but, there it is...I went and tried to wear Kallestian out with repeated cock training, just to see if I could. used the near minimum to repeat the scene a lot...I accidentally maxed my cock that first evening session...sort of awkward.
    Now, the string of luck you'd need to win 40 games in a row by enough to always get another round of being ridden is pretty unlikely, but, it might be wise to put a limit to how high a stat can grow in training, unless we are supposed to be able to begin part two as raging sex beasts :)

    (max scoring on the cunt and ass training also nearly maxes out those stats, but that requires that the other side takes no cards, and you take them all - you have to cheat to get those results. even on the best likely hand, you aren't even getting a 1/4th of the way there.)

    Again, not much of a problem, really, given the likelihood, but you might think about it a bit.

    1. I am quite interested in this one as training should not let you go past a the training maximum. The maxs depend on your starting gender, but you should not be able to make it anywhere near the 100 max.

    2. Well, like I said, I was hitting combinations that weren't strictly possible, so...and I think part of it was that I did it all in one pass through the bedroom section. I racked up scores in the 700 to 900 ranges on the cunt and anal sections thanks to cum multipliers of 8 times base, and a base score of 94 - basically literally cheating to take every card. the variance in scores was based on me not cheating the cock sucking hand before the penetration scene (the second time around I started with both Heroes and could fish the queen out of the pool on the first play - I didn't feel the need to cheat, and I do like playing the game. :D

      Similar score on the cock riding - 40~ish hands getting 23 points, plus that resist oral section, and you net a score in the upper 800's - and that seems to correlate to a near perfect cock stat, same as the other two. - the only reason this matters is I can see some one being fearsomely good AND lucky enough to pull maybe a 20 round run - not a max'd cock, but definitely a suddenly superior one...

      (I'm not sure how to send you the save file. Is it just the saver text file?)

    3. I found the problem. From the next build, there will be tighter limits. I may also tweak the decay algorithm. The higher your skill levels, the more game points you need to increase them. I reduced it a bit to speed up part 1. Once we have spells and potions that will help you get higher scores, I may need to adjust it a bit.

      Thanks for pointing it out. :)

    4. No problem - it's what beta testers are for, right?

  8. Found a bug.

    While training with Kallestian I received a hand with 4 cards of same valour, and had the chance to pick instant victory (6 points) or play for double points. It's the second time I had this kind of hand, and the first time I choose to play for double, with no problems. This time I picked up the 6 points victory, but instead of winning I'm on the floor, and Kallestian worried about my bruises. Don't know if the internal flag for victories along the day changed at all, because Kall didn't report after that.

  9. When you play the second training phase and you have the four 3-cards - you get the points but no bonus and you don`t go to the flower, the thief or the mine.

    1. I am not sure what you mean. The flower, thief, mine, or smuggler is a random chance instead of the normal training.

      The 4 x 3s is just an extra chance to win the hand.


  10. Ok sorry i thought that the flower, thief, mine, or smuggler are the bonus when you get the 4x3.

  11. "I am aiming for 1.4.1 next weekend which will have a bit more of the setup for Part 2. It will be the last little bit before you start testing your card playing skills again. :)"

    Can we still hope?

    1. Sorry, I have been swamped getting briefs done for our new artists.

  12. A couple of bugs:

    While training with Tergomindus, you get told "Your skill with you cunt has increased", even if you don't have one yet! This may also go for "Your tit-fucking skill" etc.

    (Incidentally, shouldn't that be "Your skill with your cunt/cock/etc.?)

    Also, a couple of times I got points for "Hero and the People", but I could swear the hero card wasn't in my hand.

    I nitpick because I care: keep up the good work!

    P.S. Are you planning to have voice acting in the final product? Might be beyond your budget but maybe you could get some volunteers? (I'm English, maybe I could be Tergomindus!)

  13. the patched version still doesn't work on mac.
